韓流動画ナビ - Pickup動画【簡単グルメ】韓国焼肉巻きおにぎり / Korean-Style Pork Wrapped Onigiri #Shorts



【A】ご飯 200g
【A】たくあん(みじん切り) 5センチ
【A】韓国のり 3枚
【A】いりごま 大さじ1
【A】焼き肉のたれ 大さじ1
【A】ごま油 大さじ1/2
【A】マヨネーズ 小さじ1
【A】小ねぎ(小口切り) 適量
豚バラ薄切り肉 6枚
サラダ油 大さじ1
しょうゆ 適量

① ボウルに【A】を入れよく混ぜる。
② ①を6等分に分けて握り、豚バラ薄切り肉を巻く。
③ フライパンにサラダ油をひき、中火で熱したら②を並べ入れて、転がしながら全面を焼く。
④ しょうゆを上から塗ったら、完成!


Korean-Style Pork Wrapped Onigiri
2 servings

200g cooked rice
5cm piece of takuan (pickled daikon radish), finely chopped
3 sheets Korean roasted seaweed (nori)
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 tablespoon yakiniku sauce (Japanese BBQ sauce)
1/2 tablespoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon mayonnaise
Chopped green onions, to taste
6 slices thinly sliced pork belly
Soy sauce, to taste
1 tablespoon salad oil

1. In a bowl, combine all ingredients marked with 【A】 and mix well.
2. Divide the mixture into 6 equal portions and form each portion into a rice ball. Wrap each rice ball with a slice of thinly sliced pork belly.
3. Heat salad oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Place the wrapped rice balls in the pan and cook, turning occasionally, until the pork is cooked through and browned on all sides.
4. Brush soy sauce over the cooked pork-wrapped rice balls.
Serve and enjoy!
5. Enjoy!



Licensed via Epidemic Sound
